HSM 64 Product Brief
Functionally equivalent to the HSM6
Mates directly under the CM4 leaving the standard GPIO header free for Pi HAT.
Full support in place for CM4 programming via Rpiboot
1-to-3 USB Hub 2.0 support
SEN 400 support with POE (suggested good POE injector: tp-link POE160S)
Optionally pre-loaded with Raspberry Pi OS Bookworm, Bullseye, or Ubuntu 22.04 Server; Zymbit Core Software, root file system encrypted at factory. Ready to go out of the box.
Useful Links for the HSM64
- Bootware. References for HSM6 will apply to the HSM 64.
- API Interface. References for HSM6 will apply to the HSM 64.
- Secure Edge Node 400.