Zymbit Bootware Image Converter



Requires superuser privilege.

Bootware requires images in a particular format. Use zb-imager to convert images into Zymbit Image (zi) format. The script will prompt you for all required information. The Flags in the Usage below can be used to provide that information from the command line and skip that prompt.


zb-imager [-k <key slot> ] | [--output-directory=<output dir>]

Flags                Description


--boot-tarball                   Use this boot tarball

--root-tarball                   Use this root tarball

--binary-image                   Convert a binary image to a zymbit image

--image-name                     The image name of the zymbit image

--image-version                  The image version of the zymbit image

--full-image                     Generate a image of update type:FULL

--overlay-image                  Generate a image of update type:OVERLAY

--use-hardware                   Use Zymbit HSM to sign/verify the image

--use-software                   Use priv/pub key pem files to sign/verify the image

--new-key                        Generate a new key for signing/verifying

--save-wallet-info               If a new HSM wallet slot was generated. Save the mnemonic and public key

-k, --key-slot                   The HSM key slot to sign the image with

-f, --key-file                   The private key pem to sign the image with

-o, --output-directory           Output directory for new .zi images

-z, --take-snapshot              Create a .zi snapshot of current running system.

-h, --help                       To view the manual.



Example to create a zi image from your current running root file system

sudo zb-imager

The script will prompt for information.

Checking for zymbit scm...
Image type?
   1. Full image of this live system
   2. Overlay image from files added with zb-manifest
: 1
Image Name?: myFullImage
Version? [OPTIONAL]: 1.1
Note:Software/Hardware keys are not interchangeable. Stick with one method.
Use software-based keys for Signing?
(No for hardware-based keys) (Y/n):
   1. Create new software key files
   2. Use a pre-existing software key files
: 2
Existing private key file? (Pem format): private_key.pem
Setting up environment...
Copying boot from live system...

Example to create a zi image from a binary image created with dd (created from dd if=/dev/sda bs=4M of=my.img):

You will need the path to the image file.

sudo zb-imager --binary-image /home/zymbit/my.img

The script will prompt for information:

Checking for zymbit scm...
Image Name?: bullseye
Version? [OPTIONAL]: 1.1
Boot File System Partition Number? (EX: 1): 1
Root File System Partition Number? (EX: 2): 2
Note:Software/Hardware keys are not interchangeable. Stick with one method.
Use software-based keys for Signing?
(No for hardware-based keys) (Y/n):
   1. Create new software key files
   2. Use a pre-existing software key files
: 2
Existing private key file? (Pem format): /home/zymbit/keys/private_key.pem
Setting up environment...
Copying boot files from binary image...

Example to convert boot/root tarballs (created from: tar cvf my_boot.tar <boot_part>; tar cvf my_rfs.tar <root_part>)

You will need to provide the names and paths to your tarballs. Run the script:

sudo zb-imager --boot-tarball ./boot.tar --root-tarball ./root.tar

The script will prompt for information:

Checking for zymbit scm...
Image type?
   1. Full image of this live system
   2. Overlay image from files added with zb-manifest
: 1
Image Name?: myImage
Version? [OPTIONAL]: 1.1
Note:Software/Hardware keys are not interchangeable. Stick with one method.
Use software-based keys for Signing?
(No for hardware-based keys) (Y/n):
   1. Create new software key files
   2. Use a pre-existing software key files
: 2
Existing private key file? (Pem format): private_key.pem
Setting up environment...
Verifying image...
Checking for zymbit bootware..
Checking for zymbit tools..
Creating headers...
Creating Zymbit Image...

zb-imager will also need a private key. It can generate one for you if you do not have one. The key can either be software-based or Zymbit HSM-based. See Signing/Verifying Images for more information.


zb-imager will output the private key and public key if using software keys, along with the zi image. If you do not specify an output location, the files will be placed in /etc/zymbit/zboot/update_artifacts/output.